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更新日期: 2020-7-29  

Researchers from Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital Research Center (HMR) have developed LiQD Cornea for treating corneal ulcers and corneal perforations without transplantation.
LiQD Cornea is a synthetic and biocompatible adhesive liquid hydrogel, that gels in the corneal tissues, promotes tissue regeneration and treats corneal perforations without the need for transplantation.
Effective and Accessible Solution without Transplantation
"Our work made it possible to find an effective and accessible solution, to treat corneal perforations," said May Griffith, director of the corneal regeneration by biomaterials unit of HMR.
"Until now, the perforated corneas of patients on standby have been sealed with a medical-grade super glue, but which is only a short-term solution, as it is poorly tolerated in the eye, thus making transplantation necessary", added Griffith.
LiQD Cornea is crucial for patients who cannot undergo corneal transplantation due to a global shortage of donor corneas. The solution has been discovered by a consortium of researchers and clinicians from Europe, Oceania and America under the direction of May Griffith.

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